Monday, February 11, 2013

Term 2 Spelling Homework is here!

Term 2 Spelling Homework

In term 1, students learned many high frequency words. This helped to support our learning in class about a variety of spelling strategies (e.g., ‘stretching the word out’, using the Word Wall and words around the room, using our personal dictionaries). In term 2 we will learn more about word structure and word families to help further improve our spelling.

Instead of receiving 5 new words to practice each week, students will learn a new word family. This will help students to learn about common letter patterns, word structure, and how to spell new words using words with which we are familiar. They will record the new word family in their agendas each Monday. Please complete the daily activities in the Word Wall Notebook. To help families teach their children about time management, we will be checking the homework each Monday. This will give your child enough time to complete all of the activities based on your family’s schedule (e.g., skating lessons on Wednesday nights leave little time for homework). 

At school: copy the new word family into your agenda.

At home: brainstorm as many words as you can think of that are part of the word family.
(See your child's Word Wall book for examples)
Choose five of the words and write them each three times.

Choose a book (a leveled home reading book, picture book, chapter book, etc.) and find words from the word family. Record the sentences in your Word Wall Notebook.

Choose 5 words from the word family. Write a juicy (descriptive, ‘wowy’, etc.) sentence using each word.

Choose 5 words from the word family and write them ‘like a pyramid’. 

Complete any activities that were not finished during the week.

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