Friday, November 30, 2012

Which season impacts our community the most?

Our class is finishing up many interesting and exciting projects and units of study over the next two weeks! I am so proud of how hard each student has been working! One of our culminating tasks for Science will be to consider the information we've learned about each of the four seasons and to form an opinion that answers the following question:

Which season do you think impacts our community the most?

Students in our class will be brainstorming reasons and ideas to support and explain their opinion.

To help your child at home, talk about the four seasons. Talk about how each season might affect your family.

Here are some examples of questions you might ask:

What is the weather like in the summer? Do we do different activities in the summer or in the winter?

Which animals do we see outside in the spring and summer? Do we like seeing insects?

How do we take care of our house in each season (e.g., shovelling, raking leaves, cutting grass...)? Which activities do we enjoy the most?

When does our family's life change the most (e.g., summer vacation, winter activities, rainy spring weather...)?

Which plants do we see in our neighbourhood in each season?

What kinds of food are locally grown? Do we buy more of a certain kind of food in each season?

Please remember that these questions are possible (and optional) ideas for discussion at home that may enrich your child's thinking and learning.

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